Betarmil Umakel

Exploring Israel is not just about seeing the sites, it is about the change that occurs inside you


“Betarmil Umakel” is a subsidiary of “Tlalim Educational Experiences” which focuses on Orthodox Jewish communities around the world.

“Betarmil Umakel” bring thousands of young Jewish people to Israel each year from all corners of the world for a once in a lifetime Israel experience. These young people come to Israel as part of school and youth movement trips, summer camps, Bar/Bat Mitzvah journeys and heritage trips all with the aim to explore the Land of Israel, its history and its religious significance.

Tlalim’s multilingual team of tour guides are the best in the business and are handpicked to meet the exact needs of each specific group.
Trips to Israel come in the form of a diverse range of programs; short or long and are ‘tailor-made’ to the needs of each particular client. From a short visit in the ancient alleys of Safed, to journeying back in time to the stories of Jewish heroism at Masada, by way of the flowing streams of the Golan Heights and the neighborhoods of Jerusalem steeped in history, participants will embark on a journey that will strengthen their connection to the people of Israel, the Land of Israel and the Torah of Israel. They will also feel a powerful connection to their Religious Zionist identity along with a deep understanding of what it means to be an Orthodox Jew.
With a wide range of hotels and guest houses to fit with your budget, luxury buses, sites and attractions throughout Israel as well as unparalleled educational programming, Tlalim will build your Israel trip precisely according to the specific needs of you and your group.

Our clients include, World Bnei Akiva, Yeshiva College – Johannesburg, Moriah Community – Rio de Janeiro, World Mizrachi, Emunah, Midreshet Nishmat, Midreshet Amit, World Yavneh and many more…

We see Israel as a ‘living text’, a tool that will allow participants to gain a deeper understanding of their Judaism and we invest all of our resources to facilitate this journey of discovery.


There is always something to discover…